Pigeon Forge High School is a learning community dedicated to academic excellence and student achievement where:
Our Students:
- Develop a vision concerning personal academic goals as well as a plan for a career path;
- Engage in rigorous, high-quality learning activities;
- Practice self-discipline and accountability that shows a sense of pride for their school;
- Commit to creating a culture of respect for themselves and others while demonstrating a desire and passion for learning;
- Communicate effectively through written and oral expression within the learning community.
Our Teachers:
- Model expectations of professionalism and individual accountability that support the core academic values of the learning community;
- Project enthusiasm toward students and use a variety of instructional strategies to present information that is interactive and engaging for all students;
- Teach students to communicate effectively and to think critically, logically, and analytically;
- Participate in data-informed, collaborative professional learning opportunities to ensure continuous improvement in using research based teaching practices.
Our School:
- Provides a safe environment through consistent reinforcement of school policy:
- Offers a diverse curriculum with opportunities for advanced academic study and enriched, practical learning experiences;
- Communicates and builds a positive relationship with all stakeholders;
- Incorporates technology within the curriculum, as well as offers technical support that is readily available;
- Implements a formalized advisory program in order to meet the academic and social needs of all students.
Our Parents and Community:
- Collaborate with our school to provide emotional, financial, and academic support;
- Mentor students through cooperative programs that offer career-oriented experiences;
- Support teachers, staff, and administration and take an active role in the education of their children.